Higher Ground


  I came across this little poem that got me thinking this new year. It has no title just a few lines…

”I want to scale the utmost height,
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray, till heaven I’ve found,
Lord, lead me on to higher ground!”

Like the  poem, we too should seek to go to higher ground with the Lord…to scale to new heights with Jesus…to know Him better, and to be further transformed in to His image. This is only possible by seeking Him even more diligently than we have ever done in the past. By being more disciplined with our time, and by being more directed by the Holy Spirit with every move we make. This may mean that we set down something’s and pick up others. That we turn off some things and turn on others. That we go to a quiet place and get away from things that tend to distract us.

Charles Spurgeon once said; “We should never be content to rest in the mists of the valley when the summit mountain awaits us”.  Many saints are content to live in coal mines, who never see the sun…they are content to live in dungeons when they could walk on palace roofs.”

Do you want to go to new places with Jesus? Do you want to get out of the dungeon of despair and soar to the summit? Then stop lingering in the lowlands and start climbing.  Climb one step at a time towards the higher ground and you will find that as you take your first step Jesus is right there to help you take the second. Don’t get discouraged about the steepness or ruggedness of the climb, just continue on with your eyes toward the summit, and you will soon find the beauty that awaits you as you have the courage to climb. Don’t settle for the lowlands…rather climb higher and higher until you’ve past the summit and are on your ways to the stars.

There is no boundary with a life fully submitted to the Lord. A life that is yielded to the Father is one that He delights to take to higher ground. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways to Him, trust also in Him and HE will bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:4-5) Refuse to give in to the attacks along the way…say no to sluggishness and weakness. Aspire to greater heights and a richer fuller life with your Lord. Blessing awaits the one who is willing to leave the valley and climb to the summit. Someone once said; “Too low they build who build beneath the stars.” Go higher this year with Jesus…go beyond the summit…beyond the stars…shoot for heaven! 

A Glorious Godly Heritage- a word of encouragement for parents and grandparents


Make Jesus Seen in 2014!