Mustard Seed Faith

"...If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

The mustard flowers are in full bloom right now in Israel.They are bright yellow and fields of them are everywhere. Our guide pulled off some flowers, showed me the little seed and told me to eat it...which I did....and it tasted just like Dijon Mustard! It was spicy and the potent flavor stayed in your mouth for a while. Such a little seed with so much punch! 
 I couldn't help but think of Jesus' words to His disciples as I looked over the vast fields of mustard seed flowers. I marvel as I think of the endless possibilities of such very small, yet so very powerful! But, this faith has a condition..."If..." meaning that it is our choice to have the faith or not. You see the disciples were not able to cast out a demon from a little boy and yet Jesus cast it out immediately. The lesson for us is not in the healing, but in the mountain. What is your mountain today? Is it fear, your marriage, a prodigal child, a job, financial troubles, or health issues? Whatever it is...Jesus would say to you the same thing..." IF you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain( fear, marriage, child, obstacle, health or financial issue) move from  here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." The question then becomes...will you trust God for that little tiny, yet amazingly powerful faith?  Just as every flower starts out very small and grows into something much too your small faith will do the same, you just have to trust Him. Sit back and be amazed by God as HE begins to move some mountains!


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