STOP The Building!
"Then Zerubbabel and Jeshua arose and began to rebuild the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and the prophets of God were with them, supporting them." Ezra 5:1
It's just like the enemy to try to stop the good work of the Lord in our lives. Once we've begun to go forward in our walk and really commit to serve the Lord the enemy is right there with his sneaky tactics to try and rob, steal and destroy us. His ways are not new...he has been using the same tactics from the beginning of time. We see in Ezra that the temple was being rebuild after it's destruction by Nebuchadnezzar. The people and priests and prophets all came together to work...the Lord even moved on the hearts of 3 kings to begin the work and pay for the bill. But, the enemy took notice and tried to stop the work on the temple by creating lies, exaggerations and false accusations against the workers, saying; "Who gave you a decree to build this house and finish this structure?...and "What are your names?" Ezra 5:3-4
The enemy has been using fear, lies and exaggeration since the beginning of time...these tactics are not new. We know that there is no fear in Christ Jesus...because "perfect love casts out all fear." 1 John 4:18 As Believers, we have nothing to fear...God promises never to leave us, and that if He is for us who can be against us! But...the enemy, the devil is out to get us. He is the one that brings the lies...saying WHO do you think you are...and WHAT is your name?
When he comes in breathing these answer him back.." I am a child of the Living GOD and my name is CHOSEN! You are a CHILD and you are CHOSEN by God and don't ever let anybody ever tell you differently. Don't believe the lies...the exaggerations...the God... He has a good plan for your life...and He desires to see it to it's completed construction. Don't stop short because of fear, rather press forward in faith!
It's just like the enemy to try to stop the good work of the Lord in our lives. Once we've begun to go forward in our walk and really commit to serve the Lord the enemy is right there with his sneaky tactics to try and rob, steal and destroy us. His ways are not new...he has been using the same tactics from the beginning of time. We see in Ezra that the temple was being rebuild after it's destruction by Nebuchadnezzar. The people and priests and prophets all came together to work...the Lord even moved on the hearts of 3 kings to begin the work and pay for the bill. But, the enemy took notice and tried to stop the work on the temple by creating lies, exaggerations and false accusations against the workers, saying; "Who gave you a decree to build this house and finish this structure?...and "What are your names?" Ezra 5:3-4
The enemy has been using fear, lies and exaggeration since the beginning of time...these tactics are not new. We know that there is no fear in Christ Jesus...because "perfect love casts out all fear." 1 John 4:18 As Believers, we have nothing to fear...God promises never to leave us, and that if He is for us who can be against us! But...the enemy, the devil is out to get us. He is the one that brings the lies...saying WHO do you think you are...and WHAT is your name?
When he comes in breathing these answer him back.." I am a child of the Living GOD and my name is CHOSEN! You are a CHILD and you are CHOSEN by God and don't ever let anybody ever tell you differently. Don't believe the lies...the exaggerations...the God... He has a good plan for your life...and He desires to see it to it's completed construction. Don't stop short because of fear, rather press forward in faith!