The Power of Prayer

"Pray always without ceasing as the Bible says and praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplications for all the saints."Ephesians 6:18

With the release of the movie War Room hitting #1 in the box office many Christians are being stirred once again to pray.  Why is this? Have we forgotten it's power…it's purpose…it's privilege? No, I don't believe so. Most Christians know the importance of prayer, but are too busy to make it a part of their daily life. That is…until a crisis hits, then you will find them on their knees or on their face pleading with the Lord to answer, to work, or move on their behalf. This is good... for the Lord uses crisis in our lives to draw us to Him in prayer. He also can use a movie to stirred the hearts of His people back to Him in prayer. He can use any tool to accomplish this in our lives. I know for me, I was completely inspired by this movie and although it was not a true story, it resonates with many Christians who have heard, seen or experienced personally the supernatural power of persistent passionate prayer.

Prayer is not getting man's will  accomplished in heaven, it's getting God's will accomplished on earth. Many who enter into prayer do so to change their circumstances or to change someone else, but soon realize that the person doing the most changing is them! I have experienced this first hand in my own life! Many times I go to the Lord in my times of prayer interceding for others and soon realize that the Lord has reached down through my intercession and touched my own heart. He begins molding me and softening me toward a person or situation. This is the beautiful thing about intercession…it changes us first before changing anyone else. Intercession is praying on behalf of someone else. It is when we act as the go between God and man. Just like Moses interceded on behalf of the rebellious children of Israel. We too are called to intercede or be the go-between God and our loved ones. If we study the intercession of Moses we see that he confesses to not like what the people were doing…he didn't agree with what they were doing, and yet he loved them enough to labor in prayer and be the go-between them and God. The result…God was gracious and merciful and granted Moses request to save the people.

 One thing we don't want to happen is be inspired and touched by a powerful movie like this and do nothing about it! We want this to stir our hearts and move on it! We want to learn form this and apply it! But how? How do we  maintain a persistent prayer life? I suggest that you make it part of your daily devotional life not just on a need to know basis…but a need to breath basis! Prayer should become as vital to us as breathing! We cannot go on without it! Bring everything to the Lord in prayer…"Pray always without ceasing as the Bible says and praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplications for all the saints."


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Worth the Wait!