Protecting Yourself and Your Children

Watch this very important video with Michelle Randall and Morgan Beeler about protecting yourself and children. Watch until the end for a special segment on self-protection. God bless you!

“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5. Ladies, it’s hard to ignore the chaos, lawlessness and willful sin in our nation. We wanted to spend some time to help you be aware of how to protect yourself and the children who are in your care against a growing danger. Kidnapping and trafficking isn’t limited to big cities. It is happening more and more in our neighborhoods, where we may feel safer and less on-guard. Thank you to our special guest, Morgan Beeler for sharing about her children’s almost-abduction story in a Target store to bring awareness to this growing problem in our neighborhoods.


Calvary Women's Leadership
