Waiting on the Lord

As I sit here before the Lord today and reflect on these past 2 crazy years, I am reminded of the Lord's great faithfulness to us. 

January 1, 2020, He gave me the words OUT, NEW and MORE—little did we know what was ahead of us as the world would shut down and He would do something NEW by calling us OUT of our physical church building and into a huge parking lot to do MORE than we could’ve imagined!

January 1, 2021, my word was simply RUN. The Lord was faithful to grant us and our incredible staff the endurance to run hard and fast the whole year, doing things and stepping out in ways we never had before.

January 1, 2022, my word is WAIT! Yes, wait! Isn’t it crazy after a year of running that my word is WAIT? Not to the LORD! That’s exactly how He works… Isaiah 40:31 is, I believe, my verse for the year: “But those who WAIT on the Lord will renew their strength. They shall mount up with eagles’ wings, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.” 

You see, it's when we WAIT (trust, hope) on the Lord that we are strengthened. It’s in the waiting on the Lord that we are able to “mount up” as one would on a saddle and find stability from slipping around. It’s when we WAIT on the Lord that we also gain stamina and endurance (the ability to continue in an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way).

Do you find yourself waiting for something or someone this new year? Try shifting your wait (weight) onto the Lord, and you will see a renewed strength, a constant stability, and a supernatural stamina that can only come from Him.

WAITING on the LORD is not to be confused with waiting in line or waiting in traffic. WAITING on the LORD is proactive. As we WAIT, we are seeking, knocking, trusting and resting in His promises.

Psalm 38:7 reminds us how we are to wait: “Rest in the Lord and WAIT patiently for Him.” And Psalm 37:34, “WAIT on the Lord and keep His ways, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land.”

We WAIT on the Lord by spending time with Him. By being silent and still before Him. By listening to His still small voice. By learning from Him in His Word. By serving Him. By using our gifts for Him and by being consistent in fellowship. When we WAIT like this we see a renewed strength, a constant stability, and a stamina that doesn’t grow weary. Waiting on the Lord is the cure for weariness. Waiting on Jesus allows us to soar above the storms of life and see things with a completely different perspective.

Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD! Psalm 27:14.

- Michelle Randall

Follow Michelle on Instagram @michellerandall1


Trusting the Lord


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