The Cross Cures Everything

Praise and Worship is an important part of our daily walk with the Lord. It’s a powerful tool that can silence the enemy. Praise is a choice that we have but don’t always make. Why is it so hard to praise God in the midst of adversity? Why do we find it easier to complain and ask why, instead of worship? Because the devil knows how effective it is! After all, satan was the worship leader in heaven. He knows what a powerful tool it is. When we choose to praise the Lord in our trials, something amazing happens — as our eyes get off us and onto Jesus, our perspective changes, our heart changes, and the devil looses his hold on us. As we choose to fix our mind on Jesus, we see what He can do instead of what we cannot. It’s this beautiful exchange of my will for His. As we choose to praise the Lord in the midst of difficult things, suddenly they don’t seem so heavy. We are lifted up as we lift our praise to the Lord.

Are you finding it difficult to praise the Lord today? Do you realize that your greatest problem on earth has already been solved for you? That Jesus died to give you hope and eternal life. When we look at it like that, our trials seem a bit smaller — right?

If you are caught in a downward spiral right now, look up to Jesus and begin to praise Him for the cross! Thank Him for dying for you and providing you with eternal life — then, you will be well on your way to regaining your perspective. Oh!!! And blast some worship music!!! That always helps!!

Everyday I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:2

— Michelle Randall

Follow Michelle on Instagram @michellerandall1


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