Divine Vision

Is there anything in your life right now that the Lord is asking, urging, or challenging you to believe, though you cannot see how things will come to pass? Perhaps you are praying for a loved one to get saved, for financial provision, or for restored health. To receive divine vision, trust the Lord for what you cannot see, stay in the Word and prayer, and obey God. Once you receive His vision, believe without wavering. For when God reveals His vision, the enemy immediately brings doubt, discouragement, and despair. Don’t fall for the devil’s schemes. Remain focused, obey the Word, and fight the temptation to doubt.

– Michelle Randall, excerpt from A Daily Walk for Women, “Divine Vision”

To read Michelle’s full devotional, visit calvary.store or stop by the bookstore at any of our Calvary services.

God bless you!

For any questions or needs, call the church office at 949.443.2572 or email us at women@calvarysouthoc.com.


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