A Day With Kay
It's been a long time desire of mine to sit and visit with Kay Smith. I have gleaned for years from her writings and teaching and yet have never had the privilege of sitting down with her. As a pastors wife now for the last 18 years I have many questions and appreciate gleaning from others that have traveled this path longer then I have. I have admired Kay's exhortive teaching and sweet spirit for years and on occasion have even ask myself; "What would Kay do?" I consider Kay to be a mentor...in fact, there is no one on this earth that I would rather spend a day sitting under then her! The Lord is so sweet to answer our hearts desires as we delight in Him. He answered one of mine today by giving me the opportunity to sit and receive from Kay. What a gift! Kay is kind and funny...and boy does she know the Word of God inside and out! I love that about her! When she talks about the Word and about Pastor Chuck she lights up and smiles. I read her the inscription that I wrote inside her copy of my book. This was a special moment for me as I was able to share with her how much I've learned, and gleaned from her all these years. I left our sweet time with a nugget to add to my collection from Kay..."Love your husband, and cherish him!" Will do Mama Kay!