What's Required Of Me?

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; 
And what does the Lord require of you
; But to do justly,
To love mercy, 
And to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8

 Charles Spurgeon calls this verse “the essence of the law…the spiritual side of the law” in which the 10 Commandments are enlarged. He said; ”For the law is spiritual, and touches the thoughts, the intents, the emotions, the words, the actions... but God demands the heart!”
It’s not enough for us just to say that we are a Christian, nor is it enough just to be kind or to be extremely loving, or tremendously generous. God requires your heart! And because He knew that there is no way we could meet even one of the 10 commandments let alone 10 of them! He provided a way for us to meet all the requirements…not by meeting the law…but by meeting the ONE who took the place of the law. Spurgeon said; “What the law requires…the gospel gives! Wow! Doesn’t that excite you? What the law required of us, which is perfection…Jesus gave for us on the cross so that we would NO LONGER HAVE THOSE REQUIREMENTS! He paid for the requirements on the cross! This means that Jesus is the end of the law…and the beginning of GRACE! No more striving…no more straining…no more trying to be good enough or holy enough or do enough! Jesus is the end of the law to all who believe. Therefore in Him…in His death and resurrection…we now meet the requirements of the law. Jesus has meet all the requirements needed to be holy, and righteous and now gives us an opportunity to live it out by working in us…conforming us and transforming us into His very image! Marvelous…isn’t it? As we spend time with Jesus in His Word we are slowing taking on His very image! Being conformed in to His likeness!  Only then, do we learn how to act rightly, do rightly and walk rightly. Do you want to be more like Jesus? Then spend time getting to know Him…fall in love with Him and obey His Word and you will be well on your way in the transformation process!  Be encouraged today the “He who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!” Philippians 1:6

Don't Be A Sitting Duck!


A Day With Kay