
“REVIVE US O’LORD Psalm 143:11

Something has happened recently—something more than covid, quarantine, and riots.

God is at work in the midst of all of this, refining hearts, removing sin and drawing people to Him by many different vehicles. In the last week I’ve heard of more people having dreams of Jesus, visions of Jesus, and experiencing the miracles of Jesus than I can remember. Acts 2:17-18 tells us of these things; “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

It appears that we’re living in the last days that Acts talks about, where God is pouring out His Spirit upon those who are asking for it. He is reviving hearts, restoring lives and renewing joy. To Revive someone is to return to consciousness or life, to become active or flourishing again. Revival happens when God's people are prepared. It happens when we are ready for it, asking for it and expecting it. It happens when we have tender hearts and humble spirits. We can't orchestrate a revival, it’s a work of God. Our job is to pray and wait for it.

Realizing that we are sinners in need of a Savior is the first step towards revival. Repenting of our sin and receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior follows. A desire for the truth of His Word (living, loving and learning it) should also be present along with obeying it. Asking, pleading and waiting on God in prayer should follow, and a pouring out of God’s Spirit on the church is what occurs.

This is a unique time in our history. God is desiring to do a greater work in and through the church if we are prepared for it. The problem is that not many are prepared. We’ve been forced to be home,scattered and alone. Sheep were never meant to be alone. We are a flock needing to be lead by a shepherd. Instead the church has been home isolated from others and vulnerable to the attacks from the enemy. We’ve become lazy instead of expectant. Jesus told His disciples to go and wait for the Helper. Not fully understanding what it was that they were waiting for they obeyed and eagerly waited on God together for 10 days and then it happened—power fell upon them as fire from God. (Acts 2:3).

One of the things that stands out to me in the book of Acts is that revival came to the church when they were together not apart. The Spirit fell when they were together, the apostles performed many signs and wonders when they were together, they continued together in the Word, prayer and fellowship.

Revival is contagious. It starts with one tender hearted, obedient, humble person and quickly spreads to others. The question is “do you want it?” If so, ask for it , seek God for it, prepare your heart, turn from sin,humble yourself, obey God’s Word, get with God’s people, and He will do it.

Revival starts with me, and you! It starts with the individual and then spreads. Why not be the one. Be the changed one in your home and trust the Lord to spread the love! Submit to Jesus, surrender your life and seek His face and you will be changed. The number one sign of being Born Again is CHANGE. And the number one sign of a personal revival is a RENEWED LIFE. How’s your life? Is there a renewed passion? A joy is the Lord? An excitement to hear His Word and obey it? A dependence upon the Holy Spirit and a desire for more of Him?

God is on the move and He’s looking for those that are strong and loyal to Him. He’s looking for you! “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

-Michelle Randall




Titus 2 Devotion - May 26, 2020