It's That TIme encouraging word on pruning
Today is pruning day! I've been putting this off for almost a
month now, and I can put it off no longer. If I want my rose bushes to be healthy and produce more flowers I need to prune them. The problem with this process is that it hurts and it's ugly. I often get poked through my gloves by the sharp thorns which sting and when I'm all done my rose bushes look naked...just stumps. Every year as I prune my roses I can't help but think of our lives as Believers and how our loving heavenly Father prunes us from time to time in order that we might bear even more fruit in our lives.
John 15 tells us that He is the vine and we
are the branches. He is the vinedresser who takes care of His crop. He waters,
fertilizes and yes, He cuts off what will no longer produce fruit, that we may
bear even more fruit. This can be a painful process in a believer’s life and
one that can either be received or rejected. As our heavenly gardener, the Lord, certainly
knows what to trim and what to leave. He is in control of the pruning. Even
though this can be hard, uncomfortable, difficult, and down right painful, we
must trust that the Lord knows what He’s doing. We must yield to the pruning
process knowing that the fruit is greater then the pain of the pruning.
L.B. Cowman
said; “Many of the richest blessings we
have inherited are the fruit of sorrow or pain. We should never forget that
redemption, the world’s greatest blessing, is the fruit of the world’s greatest
sorrow. And whenever a time of deep pruning comes and the knife cuts deeply and
the pain is severe, what an inexpressible comfort it is to know, My Father is
the gardener.”
As I prune my roses of all their beauty...taking them down to just a bare stump, I think of my own life and how necessary it is for the Lord, my heavenly gardener, to
rid me of certain things that may hinder my growth in Him. I realize that
although pruning is painful at times, it’s most necessary in order to bear more
fruit each year. I also realize that pruning is just as necessary as planting.
In fact, it’s in the pruning stage that I’ve personally grown the most in my
walk with the Lord. I can honestly say that I've learned to appreciate the process, even though I
cannot say that I enjoy it. I see that that there is even reason for the thorns that often prick me, as they are the things that protect the beautiful delicate roses from predators that are out to destroy them.
Someone once said; "There are many blessings we will never receive
until we are ready to pay the price of pain, for often suffering is the way to
reach them." When asked about the necessity of sorrow...Charles Spurgeon responded; “How would you like to be the one standing in heaven and be pointed out
as the only saint who never experienced sorrow? Never! You would feel like a
stranger in the midst of a sacred fellowship. Therefore may we be content to
share in the battle, for we will soon wear a crown of reward and wave a palm
branch of praise.” Be encouraged today if you are in a time of pruning that there is a divine gardener behind every cut. He is making sure that the cut is accomplishing what He set out for it to...that in the end we would become more like Him. Although the price of pruning may be great... the benefits are beautiful! Hang in there and watch as your life produces more and more fruit. "I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:1-2
What Is Success?
"Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me." Matthew 16:24
Everyone wants to be successful in life. Whether it's at your job, in school, as a wife or husband or as a parent...we all strive for success in something. In the world, success is
defined much differently then with Believers. The world sees success through the eyes of money, power and prestige. While Jesus sees it through a life that follows His example of humility and servanthood.
Webster’s defines success as;
“the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. As Believers we should ask ourselves the question, what am I aiming for in life? Is it to get ahead, to be financially stable, or to be known by
others? All of these are self related, which is contrary to what Jesus tells us to do...deny our SELF, pick up our Cross and follow Him. If we are truly doing these three things then we will have a life that
looks similar to His....a life of being sensitive to others, a life of self- denial, a
life of serving others, and a life of striving towards receiving an incorruptible crown.
Success to the Christian is
found in the person of Jesus Christ….period, nothing added and nothing taken away! We are given His example in the scripture to
follow not to just look at from a distance and admire, but to live out in and through our lives. Paul was a great
example of one who didn’t follow at a distance…but dove in head first and made
it his aim to follow Christ. In fact, Paul says in Romans 15:20; "I have made
it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I
should build on another man’s foundation." Paul also exhorted the Corinthians in 2
Corinthians 5:9; saying,
“Therefore we make it our
aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.” And finally to young Timothy in 2
Timothy 2:4…Paul exhorts him to …aim
to please the One who enlisted him. If we like Paul, make it our aim to please Jesus then we will have
success in life. The Key is to make it our
I’m not a very good golfer…but I do know that it takes good aim to get
that little ball into that little hole. I also know that to be successful in golf, as with any sport…you need
to practice. You also need to concentrate, and be disciplined to learn the correct
swing to become accurate and be consistent. One commentator said that golf experts can complicate the aiming
process so much that they can become completely confused. Harvey Penick, one of the great golf teachers, put it very simply when
he was once asked the secret of hitting the golf ball in the direction it
should go…"Take dead aim." I like that!
As Believers we are to take "dead aim." We are to make it our aim to die... to our self, that is. Jesus affirmed this in Matthew 10:39 saying "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." It's through death that we have life…eternal life and life here
on earth. Paul is saying that there are certain things that will help you
to aim dead on, thus hitting the target, and getting a hole in one! If you do these things as a Christian…you will have success. Looking back at "these things" that guarantee success as a Christian...1. being sensitive to others 2. dying to self 3. serving others and 4. striving for a crown.
As we practice these four "things" we will soon discovery that our life is no longer about's become all about Him and what pleases Him! I wish I could say that I have these areas mastered in my life, but I don't. I'm still working on them, just like you. Together we can press toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus! This is a high calling with great rewards! Each of us who is determined to make His name known will receive a crown in glory. Paul says to strive to receive it! We already have heaven as Believers, but the crown is reserved for those that are busy about their fathers business. Make His business your business as you strive to receive your crown. The reason? We want something to throw down at the feet of Jesus when we get to heaven! Lord, strengthen us in our pursuit of YOU, and help us to make it our aim to please YOU!
First Steps
"Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to Me?" Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground."
Genesis 14:15-16
It's never easy taking the first step of faith. We often wait, hoping that we will have a nice straight smooth path to walk on. But that's not always the case. Most of the time the Lord requires that we first step out and then He confirms His will making each step known to us when it's needed, and not always when it's wanted. One thing that I've come to understand about the way the Lord works is that He doesn't open paths before we come to them, nor does He provide help before it's needed. He allows us to take the first step and then He works miracles.
When my kids took their first steps it was something they worked up to. They started crawling, then creeping, then pulling themselves up on the table, and finally taking baby steps one at at time. I was there cheering them on and holding my arms wide open in case they fell....which they did , plenty of times. But they got back up again and did it again and again until they mastered walking. I knew that my kids needed to learn to walk eventually and the only way this would be accomplished is by encouraging them to stand up and take their first step. Soon after, they were not only walking, but running!
Likewise, It was when Moses in obedience stretched his hand over the Red Sea that it was parted and the impossible was accomplished as he stepped in on dry land. It was when Abraham stepped up to the call that God answered radically by providing a ram in the thicket. And it's when Joseph stepped out revealing who he was to his brothers that there was restoration with his family.
When my kids took their first steps it was something they worked up to. They started crawling, then creeping, then pulling themselves up on the table, and finally taking baby steps one at at time. I was there cheering them on and holding my arms wide open in case they fell....which they did , plenty of times. But they got back up again and did it again and again until they mastered walking. I knew that my kids needed to learn to walk eventually and the only way this would be accomplished is by encouraging them to stand up and take their first step. Soon after, they were not only walking, but running!
Likewise, It was when Moses in obedience stretched his hand over the Red Sea that it was parted and the impossible was accomplished as he stepped in on dry land. It was when Abraham stepped up to the call that God answered radically by providing a ram in the thicket. And it's when Joseph stepped out revealing who he was to his brothers that there was restoration with his family.
All three of these men exercised faith and obedience, therefore received a blessing. It takes obedience to receive the blessings of God. We often grow weary while we are waiting thinking that God has forgotten about us...that He somehow has grown deaf to our hearts cry. But oh how much He loves us. He loves us so much that He patiently waits to answer, to provide, to part, and to restore what's broken in His perfect timing. He does this that He may receive the most glory. Many times, He allows us to exhaust our resources, waiting until we come to the end of ourselves, and our backs are to the sea...that we step out of the way and allow Him to lead the way! It's then, that He leads us, provides for us and makes our path clear to us.
Has God asked you recently to take a step out or in or up? You will never know what you could have accomplished until you are willing to obey and take that first step. I wonder if Moses had never stretched out his hand and trusted God, or if Abraham had never believed God, or if Joseph stayed paralyzed in his their stories would have been so very different. We tend to forget that the same God that parted the Red Sea for Moses is available to part our circumstances and do a miracle. Do you believe in the God o Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Then trust Him to part the Sea for you...take that first step and watch your GOD work...I dare you to trust Him!
" The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety." -George Mueller
Has God asked you recently to take a step out or in or up? You will never know what you could have accomplished until you are willing to obey and take that first step. I wonder if Moses had never stretched out his hand and trusted God, or if Abraham had never believed God, or if Joseph stayed paralyzed in his their stories would have been so very different. We tend to forget that the same God that parted the Red Sea for Moses is available to part our circumstances and do a miracle. Do you believe in the God o Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Then trust Him to part the Sea for you...take that first step and watch your GOD work...I dare you to trust Him!
" The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety." -George Mueller
A Glorious Godly Heritage- a word of encouragement for parents and grandparents
On a recent trip to my parents I was sharing with my mom about getting a record player for Christmas. She told me that she saved some old vinyls and would get them for me. To my great surprise there were several 45's that my great grandpa had released back in the day. It turns out that he was quite the singer songwriter. This impressed me, but, what impressed me even more was what he was singing and writing about...JESUS!
I wasn't raised in a Christian home, we said grace before dinner and went to the Methodist Church every Sunday, but I never heard the name of Jesus spoken, nor did I ever hear that He was the way to heaven. After I got saved, I often wondered if anybody in my family ever prayed for me, as I was the first one saved. Well, it's been 27 years now and my question has finally been answered! Yes, I did have someone who prayed for me...maybe not by name, but by heritage.
Timothy had this experience as well. He was a godly young man who had a godly mother and grandmother, although his father was a non believer. Paul reminds us that even one parent or grandparent can have a great influence upon our lives for eternity; "I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also."( 2 Timothy 1:5) The ways of the Lord were passed down through the generations before Timothy, and they are with us as well. Who was it that prayed for you to get saved? What family member influenced your life for Christ? You may not ever know...or you may find out 27 years later, like me. Be encouraged grandparents and parents alike that you can and will make a lasting impression and have eternal rewards in heaven if you do not give up teaching the word, living the word and speaking forth the Word to your children and grandchildren. I can't wait to get to heaven and meet John J. Cox, my godly grandfather who prayed for his his godly heritage to live on!
Higher Ground
I came across this little poem that got me thinking this new year. It has no title just a few lines…
”I want to scale the utmost height,
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray, till heaven I’ve found,
Lord, lead me on to higher ground!”
Like the poem, we too should seek to
go to higher ground with the Lord…to scale to new heights with Jesus…to know
Him better, and to be further transformed in to His image. This is only
possible by seeking Him even more diligently than we have ever done in the
past. By being more disciplined with our time, and by being more directed by
the Holy Spirit with every move we make. This may mean that we set down
something’s and pick up others. That we turn off some things and turn on
others. That we go to a quiet place and get away from things that tend to
distract us.
Charles Spurgeon once said; “We should never be content to rest in the
mists of the valley when the summit mountain awaits us”. Many saints are content to live in coal
mines, who never see the sun…they are content to live in dungeons when they
could walk on palace roofs.”
Do you want to go to new
places with Jesus? Do you want to get out of the dungeon of despair and
soar to the summit? Then stop lingering in the lowlands and start
climbing. Climb one step at a time
towards the higher ground and you will find that as you take your first step
Jesus is right there to help you take the second. Don’t get discouraged about
the steepness or ruggedness of the climb, just continue on with your eyes
toward the summit, and you will soon find the beauty that awaits you as you
have the courage to climb. Don’t settle for the lowlands…rather climb higher
and higher until you’ve past the summit and are on your ways to the stars.
There is no boundary with a
life fully submitted to the Lord. A life that is yielded to the Father is one
that He delights to take to higher ground. “Delight
yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit
your ways to Him, trust also in Him and HE will bring it to pass.” (Psalm
37:4-5) Refuse to give in to the attacks along the way…say no to sluggishness
and weakness. Aspire to greater heights and a richer fuller life with your
Lord. Blessing awaits the one who is willing to leave the valley and climb to
the summit. Someone once said; “Too low
they build who build beneath the stars.” Go higher this year with Jesus…go
beyond the summit…beyond the stars…shoot for heaven!